Thursday, December 7, 2017

I've been a Mom for how long?!?

I'm sitting in bed thinking back to this day eight years ago. Wow. Eight years. That can't be right.

I remember the day pretty clearly. Work as usual with a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. Our due date was December 20 and we were preparing for a "Christmas baby."

But that was soon to be turned on its head.

Going through motions of another ob appointment meant checking my blood pressure. Never a problem prior to this day, my blood pressure was high.

"We're going to have you lay here for a few minutes, then we'll check it again," said Dr. Peck. So several minutes later, they check it again. It's even higher. Uh oh.

After a conversation about sending us home and having come back the next day, Dr. Peck ultimately decided he was going to send us directly over to the Birth Place.

"Ok, guys. Looks like you're going to have a baby!"

By this time, no one was left in the office except one lady at the front desk. She talked to us for a few moments, about what I can't remember. Then Justin and I walked out into the hallway.

It was eerily quiet.

We looked at each other with tears in our eyes, slight panic in our faces and just held one another.

Holy crap. We were about to become parents!

Ok. Game faces.

We quickly called our families and headed over to check in. My bag wasn't completely prepared, sitting half packed on our bedroom floor. But ready or not, this show was about to get started.

A few things about my very first labor and delivery experience:

If I couldn't have McDonald's, I at least wanted to be able to smell it :)

Those rooms are not nearly big enough for the crew we had there that night.

My papa can sleep ANYwhere.

Having nursing students observe your labor and delivery is very humbling.

Cone heads are not cute. 😂

My doctor was the best.

Thinking back, the evening and early morning hours of the next day were a bit of a blur. They had given me antibiotics for four hours before breaking my water, I'd gotten my epidural at some point and stadal to help me sleep. Not entirely sure what order that all too place in :)

But I'll never forget the hour and moment when God bestowed on us the most amazing blessing. Christian McCoy was born at 6:59am on December 8, 2009.

As it were, one minute before shift change, so double the everybody in the room when he was born. I remember one of the nursing students thanking me. Christian being born was the first live birth she'd ever witnessed.

We've had our ups and downs like all parents have with their children. But it's important to remember the past and keep moving forward.

Christian is growing into the most amazing kid. He's super bright and loves school, excelling at math and reading. He's also an artist in his own right and possesses more creativity in his eight years than I ever will.

But he's also just a boy who loves baseball, being silly with his friends, playing video games, laughing at farts and words like butt and poop.

To say Im proud to be his mom, well, that just doesn't do it justice.

Happy birthday, sweet boy. I'm beyond blessed to call you mine ❤️

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